Save the date! 2nd AirTN Nextgen Network Meeting
30 June 2015, Vienna
AirTN NextGen is a support action funded under the Framework Programme 7 to stimulate transnational cooperation in the aviation field for: RTD and innovation, research infrastructure related activities, education related activities. AirTN-Nextgen will strengthen and widen the aeronautical network established under previous AirTN projects to reach out towards aviation in H2020.
The 2nd AirTN Nextgen Network Meeting is planned as a full day workshop on aviation transnational cooperation possibilities. The workshop is jointly organised with the ACARE Member States Representative Group and will take place on 30 June in Vienna.
The intention of the workshop is to highlight possibilities for transnational cooperation and to discuss the way towards future transnational cooperation. Target groups are ministries, agencies and organisation managing national/regional funds in aviation.
For interested people, a facility tour of the Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel is being organised on 29 June in the afternoon!
An official invitation and a draft agenda will be sent out soon.
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact Vera Eichberger.
Meet the AirTN NextGen Network in 2015 and be part of the network!
AirTN NextGen will organize and participate in the following workshops/conferences. All conferences and workshops will be announced as soon as possible.
2nd AirTN NextGen Network meeting
30 June 2015, Vienna - Read the pre-announcement above...
Aerodays 2015
AirTN Nextgen will participate to the Aerodays, October 2015, in London, having a slot within the session dedicated to Members States.